Alhamdulillah, I have finally updated 'My Life with Transverse Myelitis'. I have been feeling very lazy lately. The other day I was asking someone how do people stay consistent? How do some people keep that energy going? How do they remain steadfast in what they're doing? I'm still searching for the answer and I hope I'll find it soon.
On a lighter note I had lunch the other day with my family. For those who are wondering, yes, I do go out and have fun! One Utama is a really disabled-friendly shopping mall. I've been there three times since I've been wheelchair-bound and it has been really easy for me to get around. I've eaten in the Arena foodcourt, Delicious and Fish & Co and it has been easy for me to sit at the tables and manoeuvre around. For those wheelies (people in wheelchairs), I strongly recommend One Utama for your shopping destination.
Oh, and not forgetting a video that I wanted to share this beatiful story about this man who is paralysed from the neck down and found Islam in the middle of a Christian town, mashaAllah. Please watch it, it's really inspirational.
This is Cee signing off...
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